Tag Archives: South Carolina

Falling for Greenville once again

Today, Greenville spoiled us yet once again with her charming self!  We started out with an enjoyable breakfast with some great company at the Green Room and followed it up with a day of music, people watching, and lounging at Fall for Greenville.  Greenville never fails to welcome you in and wrap you up in her presense!

The Strawberry Fields

After a Cracker Barrel breakfast with the husband and father-in-law, it was off to the fields for me.  A solo trip to Beechwood Farms led me to fields of deliciously ripe strawberries begging to be picked.  As soon as I stepped out of the car, that familiar sweet smell engulfed me and I was in Heaven!  The plants were so full of ripe berries that I barely had to move to fill both of my 4-quart baskets.  Seriously…Heaven!

The little strawberry pickers took a hay ride in the Lil Covered Wagon while the farm pups ran alongside.  It brought back sweet memories of my once little picker here at this same farm way back when.  It was idyllic.

I love moments like these.  Moments that are simple yet put such a good feeling in my heart and a smile on my face.  Moments that bring back memories and create new ones.

Have you gone strawberry picking lately?

While many are still sleeping…magic happens.

“The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”  ~John Muir

The Island left us a parting gift Monday morning.  Her breathtaking landscape gave the sun just the right canvas to paint on.  We watched huddled in sweatshirts as ever so slowly, a brightness appeared on the faded horizon.  Instead of melting into the ocean as it does at sunset, the sun rose into the sky dripping its molten orange back into the blue water.  Of course the birds were rejoicing the new day as well which added such a sweet melody to the glorious show!  I thank God that I am an early riser!

We made a few more stops as we said goodbye to Beaufort and the surrounding area knowing full well that we would soon return!


dragonswizardz John Muir quotes

Beautiful Beaufort…Pronounced “Byoofert”

So of course we had to take a trip to town when we went coastal last weekend!  And what a great idea that was (you’re welcome)!  The scenic waterfront, quaint downtown, and charming historic homes of Beaufort begged us to wind our way on foot through her streets and linger awhile.  And really, with all the lovely porch swings along the river, the welcoming outdoor dining and the swaying of Spanish Moss in the trees, how could one not laze around and have their breath taken away.  The slow pace, soft breeze, and sea air is truly mesmerizing.

We stopped at Common Ground Coffee for an energy boost and off we went strolling through neighborhoods where the Big Chill and Forces of Nature were filmed and where three hundred year old churches stood watching over us all.  We were wrapped up by this welcoming little city and could not get enough.

Having spent a good bit of time in Charleston and a weekend in Savannah, I have found that I enjoy the coastal south immencely.  Add Beaufort in the mix and I am certain that this is where I will end up one day!  So take a look.  I hope this inspires a visit!   Also, click on the following link to see a video montage of local sights.  http://vimeo.com/user9151733/beaufortsc

All I can say is that there’s a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . . . If I had to tell somebody who had never been to the South, who had never heard of soul music, what it was, I’d just have to tell him that it’s music from the heart, from the pulse, from the innermost feeling. That’s my soul; that’s how I sing. And that’s the South.”
— Al Green

Hunting Island

South Carolina has so many beautiful state parks to visit.  Each have their own special views and features.  Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, beaches, mountains…these parks have it all. I can go back time and again and never fail to be awestruck!

Last weekend I made my first trip to Hunting Island which is outside of Beaufort.  Though I went solo and wished I had someone to share it with (hint, hint) I savored every view, sound, and smell.  This place is incredible!  It is full of all sorts of wildlife, semi-tropical plants and fauna and a most amazing coastline.  The north end of the island is strewn with tangled trees that have fallen due to heavy erosion since 1980.  It’s beautiful but sad to know that the islands size is expected to shrink by 10% over the next 40 years.

The island is also home to a beautiful lighthouse which is the only one of many lighthouses in South Carolina that is open to the public.  In 1889, the lighthouse was moved to its current home after erosion forced this sentry of the sea to be dismantled and relocated.  If you climb the stairs to the top you will find a scope with a tiny silhouette pointing out to where the lighthouse once stood and you will also get a most spectacular view of the maritime forest and the coastline.

I know there is so much more of this island to explore including its winding estuaries and trails.  I so look forward to my next visit but this time I want company!  There is just too much beauty for my eyes only people!

Two side notes:

1:  Wear all mosquito armour you have, especially in the summer from what I hear.

2:  This island was used as the backdrop for the Vietnam scenes in Forrest Gump!


That’s the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball.  ~Bill Veeck, 1976

And what a sweet sound it is!  While spending Saturday morning at the cherry blossom-surrounded Fluor Field, I couldn’t help but feel the excitement and anticipation for Opening Day!  The grounds were being preened, kids were testing out the new seats, and the “Ballpark Dog” was giving his final approval!  Even the mustard and ketchup were anxiously awaiting their over use!

So time for March Madness to come to a close (Go Buckeyes!) and for the boys of summer to do their thing.

Let’s Play Ball!!

Vacation at home

You know you love your city when you chose to travel a mere 12 miles from home to vacation for the weekend! 

Other than our construction view, our stay at the Hampton Inn at Riverplace was stellar.  Besides being in the middle of all the shops, restaurants, parks and bars, this hotel also offers a pretty view of the Reedy River.  When the amphitheater construction across the river is complete, folks will be able to step out on their balcony to listen to and watch the summer concerts playing.  Art studios line the walkway below, children play in the fountains, and just around the corner is The Peace Center where you can catch a broadway show like the Lion King or Les Miserables. 

There is so much that Greenville has to offer that a weekend retreat seemed like a great idea! Aaannnd…since it was a birthday weekend to boot, we decided to oblige our great idea and head downtown!

Items of interest:  Fords Oyster House, Imprints of a City

Sharing the love

My adorable niece and her very sweet friend came to visit and spend the weekend with me!  My invitation to them was purely selfish knowing it would mean a weekend of girl talk, baking, singing and dancing (courtesy of the Wii), and of course my favorite… sharing Greenville with them.  Watching them ooh and ahh over all the little nuances of our city, which I love, made me giddy!  The shops, the water features and even the Mice on Main were a huge hit!  I followed them around, camera in hand, listening to their giggles and watching their eyes light up at every turn! 

Pure bliss! 

Thank you girls for reminding what it is like to be young and carefree!  You are both so much fun!  XO