Monthly Archives: February 2012

Chilly Daffodilly

I appreciate all the beautiful, warm weather Mother Nature has blessed us with for the past many weeks.  Spring flowers have felt safe enough to peek their heads up to the sun, the forever mated pair of geese that habitate at my place of work have already started looking for that perfect nesting spot, and picnic blankets have draped our park lawns with her adoring audience.

BUT…Today was cold and windy!  I must say that Mother Nature is testing our loyalty!  I felt  a little challenged today in my devotion to her best judgement but know that she has her reasons and that she will soon again shower us with her glowing warmth and love! 

My poor daffodils could only hang their heads, bear down, and hang in there through the 54 degree day!  Poor us!

Happy February 25th! 

There she was… just a chicken down the street…

Yes, a local girl, an Aracona chicken to be exact, belonging to one of my fellow co-workers! 

Lately, I have been purchasing many an egg from “tour guide Rick”.  We bring our used egg crates in to him which he refills and brings back full!  The eggs are courtesy of his hard working gals in the hen house he built with his own two hands!  

I love the fact that the eggs are so fresh, that they come from a local supplier and friend, and that many of them are green!  Yes, green!  Though my son and husband scoffed at the idea of green eggs, I sure didn’t see a drop of egg left on their plates! This reinforces the idea that you can’t judge an egg by it’s shell!

These little purchases get me excited for local farmer’s markets to open in May and for Saturday morning trips downtown to load up on produce, baked goods, and other fares from local folks!  I am even looking forward to May 12, (yes, put it on your calendar honey)where I can check out local growers on an Urban Farm Tour of over 25 sites!

So here’s to healty eating, buying local, and colorful refrigerators!  Cheers!

Sharing the love

My adorable niece and her very sweet friend came to visit and spend the weekend with me!  My invitation to them was purely selfish knowing it would mean a weekend of girl talk, baking, singing and dancing (courtesy of the Wii), and of course my favorite… sharing Greenville with them.  Watching them ooh and ahh over all the little nuances of our city, which I love, made me giddy!  The shops, the water features and even the Mice on Main were a huge hit!  I followed them around, camera in hand, listening to their giggles and watching their eyes light up at every turn! 

Pure bliss! 

Thank you girls for reminding what it is like to be young and carefree!  You are both so much fun!  XO


Lifes little pleasures

I was given the privilege of babysitting for this little guy over the weekend!  Ahhhh…to be able to get on the floor again and push cars around, to sing along to Hot Wings (I Wanna Party) from the movie Rio one hundred times, and to watch a 3-year-old use an iPad like he was born with it attached to his fingers! 

Can I do it again soon please?

Building Dreams

Last week my son’s high school participated in the Mauldin H.S. Spirit Week.  It is an annual fundraiser to raise money for Building Dreams Mentoring Program, a program dedicated to providing mentoring services to children who are affected by incarceration.  Spirit week involves the student body in all sorts of fun events… dodgeball tournaments, bake sales, silent auctions, a Senior Sweetheart Ball, a talent contest and so much more. 

This year they raised over $82,000!  This puts the school at just around $1 million raised over the years!

Congratulations Mauldin High School for your successful campaign!  Way to go Mavericks!  You all rock!

Zach during "Favorite Decade Dress-Up Day"...Nice!

As youth, we’re committed to breaking social barriers by building dreams for future generations. We’re giving our time in support of Building Dreams to build awareness for the impact that incarceration has on young people. We envision a safe and inclusive environment where everyone has a friend to turn to in times of need, and Mauldin Spirit Week enables us to transform this dream into reality. ~  Mauldin HS Student Body

Rainy day drive

With raindrops on the windshield and a countryside ahead, the better half and I decided to head out for the day to his old stomping grounds and explore the fields he romped in and the rivers he swam in as a child.  There was something about the dull light and damp surroundings that screamed nostalgia.  And you know me…nostalgia gets me everytime!  My better half was also gracious enough to narrate our journey as I snapped pictures of his beloved spots!  I was in Heaven!  I think he was too!