Tag Archives: Beaufort

That fleeting weekend away

Last weekend, the better half and I ventured to the coast for a little R&R.  Busy work days and busy weekends make it hard to find “us” time, but we made time anyway and I must say it was well worth the wait.  Beautiful weather, great food, and a little exercise thrown in was just what we needed.

So here’s to long weekend trips with one amazing dude!  XO

Beautiful Beaufort…Pronounced “Byoofert”

So of course we had to take a trip to town when we went coastal last weekend!  And what a great idea that was (you’re welcome)!  The scenic waterfront, quaint downtown, and charming historic homes of Beaufort begged us to wind our way on foot through her streets and linger awhile.  And really, with all the lovely porch swings along the river, the welcoming outdoor dining and the swaying of Spanish Moss in the trees, how could one not laze around and have their breath taken away.  The slow pace, soft breeze, and sea air is truly mesmerizing.

We stopped at Common Ground Coffee for an energy boost and off we went strolling through neighborhoods where the Big Chill and Forces of Nature were filmed and where three hundred year old churches stood watching over us all.  We were wrapped up by this welcoming little city and could not get enough.

Having spent a good bit of time in Charleston and a weekend in Savannah, I have found that I enjoy the coastal south immencely.  Add Beaufort in the mix and I am certain that this is where I will end up one day!  So take a look.  I hope this inspires a visit!   Also, click on the following link to see a video montage of local sights.  http://vimeo.com/user9151733/beaufortsc

All I can say is that there’s a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . . . If I had to tell somebody who had never been to the South, who had never heard of soul music, what it was, I’d just have to tell him that it’s music from the heart, from the pulse, from the innermost feeling. That’s my soul; that’s how I sing. And that’s the South.”
— Al Green

Thanks Mom!

Girl time!  A time to laugh, relax, reminisce, and revel in our surreal surroundings.  A time for reading, lounging, and long walks on the beach.  Bike rides, exploration, and good food too!

This was my weekend and I have my mom to thank for all of it and more!

I loved our long weekend.  More please?