Category Archives: Germany

A fairy tale birthday

Once upon a time in a land far away, a middle-aged woman celebrated her 43rd birthday…

She hopped on an air-conditioned bus in Munich with her “bestie” and off they traveled through verdant countryside.  Along the way, she saw bell wearing bovines, farmers in their fields, and flowers overflowing from window boxes.  She could not contain herself!

Her excitement grew more and more with each hairpin turn and as the hills began to grow and the Alpine background came into view she began to wonder if she were dreaming.  Tucked in the folds of the mountains was a castle, Neuschwanstein to be exact, and though the front side was covered in scaffolding (something that happens only once every 30 years for cleaning) she was awed nonetheless.  The adventure had begun!



Last week I was fortunate enough to take my first trip to Europe.  It was a too quick, four day experience in Munich, Germany with a lot of work and a little bit of play!  I loved every bit of it…even the work!  I saw new things, met new people, and was awed by how easy it was to navigate, communicate, and just be a part of the city.  So hear is a little glimpse into what my camera saw as I relentlessly snapped away.  By the way, this was just from the afternoon and evening of day one!

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